金娟博士此次报告题目为“Publishing with Wiley Chemistry Journals”,介绍了威利化学杂志,包括德国化学学会(GDCh)的《Angewandte Chemie》杂志,以及代表欧洲化学和亚洲化学编辑学会(ACES)出版的期刊,还从编辑的角度对于论文撰写进行指导。报告会后,老师、员工都踊跃提问,金娟博士耐心解答,大家收获颇多。
Dr. Juan Jin (金 娟 博士) studied biomedical engineering at Sichuan University. In 2014, she received her PhD in Chemistry from Tsinghua University where she focused on the design and application of smart hydrogels. She then carried out her postdoctoral research on DNA nanotechnology and DNA-peptide co-assembly at University of Oxford. She joined Wiley-VCH as an Editor at Angewandte Chemie and ChemBioChem in 2019.